In Srilanka
Thaalam has got the first position for 3 times in the past 20 years in LMR REP ratings.
In Canada
Today we have 2 active radio stations in Canada – 1. Canada FM 89.HD3 and 2. Canada FM 109.5.
Our radio – Thaalam Canada has recently captured top positions in the huge array of radios in Canada.
In Switzerland
In Swiss our radio Thaalam FM is being broadcast in advanced broadcast technology DAB. Thaalam is the first and one and only Tamil Radio station being broadcast in Switzerland.
Thaalam is the FIRST OFFICIAL Radio station broadcast over entire Switzerland. Thaalam is broadcast in all the 26 Cantons of Switzerland.
- Thaalam Swiss has created a music revolution in Switzerland as Diaspora Tamil people in Swiss were yearning for the past 40 years to listen to a radio exclusively in their language Tamil.
- Thaalam Swiss is broadcast in high definition digital broadcast technology DAB which can be heard in Vehicles and home alike.
- Thaalam has STRONGLY reached 80% of the youngsters who listen to Thaalam in their cars and actively participate in all the programs even though they had other catchy entertainment options such as Spotify, YouTube and Social Media. Thaalam is leading from the front among the radios which grabs the attention of today’s youth.
- Thaalam gives predominant importance to Music and as we have a separate department to handle music related things, we broadcast music with complete knowledge of the pulse of the listeners.
- Thaalam has created massive listenership which transcends generations’ right from aged-matured people to neo youngsters of today as we play music of yesteryear Hearthrob – Ilayaraja and A.R.Rahman to the Darling of the Neo-Youth – Anirudh.
- Thaalam has got separate divisions such as Thaalam Creative and Thaalam News to establish itself as a worldwide news network.
- Thaalam is proud about the fact that when the entire Media prefers to project people with strong Tamil knowledge – we see to it to onboard current generation Tamil Diaspora youngsters who have grown up dabbling between mother tongue Tamil and native language where they live in (Canada, Swiss etc.)
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